Friday, 27 May 2011

Mobile screen Dominates.....

Mobile phones have advanced considerably from their inception into society with change in sizes, variety, uses, and styles. I remember the day my dad purchased one of the brick phones in the early 1990's. It was a large phone with a large arial antenna, costing a ridiculous amount. Although at the time this was the latest and greatest in mobile technology. Oh how things have changed with the phone developing and changing with many varieties available. The standard phone or some call it a bar phone, flip phones, slider phones, smart phones and touch screen phones with features such as bluetooth, TV capabilities, access the web, listen to music, navigation, built in camera's and videoing and the latest phones providing an exhaustive list of applications.

According to the Herald Sun article 'Aussies hung up on smartphones', A major global survey of mobile phone owners found 52 per cent now own an iPhone or similar, up from 24 per cent last year.The research also revealed Australians' love affair with iPad-style tablet PCs is growing, with 26 per cent of us planning to buy one this year.The 43-country study, the largest of its type yet carried out, also revealed:

IPHONE users are the most loyal to their mobile phone operating system in the world.

HANDSET manufacturers are losing ground to content providers as access to services such as Facebook and Google grows in importance in swaying consumers on which phone to buy.

AUSTRALIAN mobile owners are heavier social networkers than most other countries.
The study also found that watching video on the run is set to boom, with more than 44 per cent of Australians interested in watching TV or movies along with video on sites such as YouTube.

There is the constant pressure that society needs to keep up with technology, and obtian the greatest and latest in technology. Majority of people that i see using mobile phones these days are using the IPhone. I personally don't have one. Throughout my years i've only ever stuck with Nokia mobiles. I've found them to be realiable and very functional containing the basics for my use, like being able to make phone calls, and texting.

In the last 18 months I've had two company mobiles, both being Blackberry's. I've found them to be a terrific mobile. The majority of my mobile use is to make phone calls to clients and other staff. I use the texting service and I can receive my emails from my PC straight to my mobile. I also use the calendar function on the phone, and this is also linked to my computer and visa verse. I find I am on the phone enough through my job role and don't feel the need to add further to this time by being glued to the web or social media sites such as FaceBook and Twitter on my mobile.

A recent study has shown young people today are so addicted to their mobile phones that if they stay away for too long they start developing withdrawal symptoms. Computers, MP3 players and televisions were also amongst the devices the youth are addicted to but mobile phones devices saw the most reliance.

A study entitled The World Unplugged Project saw over a 1,000 students around the world go without technology for a full day, which resulted in a lot of young people developing physical and mental withdrawal symptoms.Worryingly, half of the participants could not even complete the challenge.
Professor Susan Moeller, Project Leader, says; “Students talked about how scary it was, how addicted they were.“They expected the frustration. But they didn’t expect to have the psychological effects, to be lonely, to be panicked, the anxiety, literally heart palpitations.”

This is of some concern and unfortunately the mobile phone screen will become the dominant screen of the 21st century. It has gone from being a large brick phone to a mini computer. The statistics show that the phone is becoming the most dominant screen of the 21st century. Although in saying this there will still be a place for the computer and the TV and added gadgets such as palm pilots and IPads. We don't really need another screen to view movies, take photos, and access the Internet however society has gotten accustomed to having everything at their finger tips, and will not go backwards now. People like to be accessible 24/7 and feel naked without their phones beside them.Technology is forever changing and developing and the mobile phone is going to do just that and society will follow by upgrading to the latest and greatest. It will be interesting to see what the future holds....


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