Wednesday, 27 April 2011


In my opinion, WikiLeaks is a new form of investigative journalism aiming to bring transparency to the deceitful antics of the troubled and competitive world. WikiLeaks provides the truth behind the lies, the real facts.

WikiLeaks "Could become as important a journalistic tool as the Freedom of Information Act." - Time Magazine

Some of this information that WikiLeaks is producing may not be surprisingly new to insiders, but seeing it in black and white these reports describing tactics, strategies and considerable double-dealing  may have beneficial effects on behaviour.

WikiLeaks is part of a changing communications culture that is reshaping the relationship between citizens and the government. New technologies have flattened the information world. Members of the public with access to a myriad of information snippets and critical opinion have become skeptical about public communications from the government and from corporations. They insist on transparency and i believe is what the people deserve. Now that there have been leaks, official and business  institutions are racing to try to understand the implications and to change their behaviour accordingly.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has asserted the leak “puts people’s lives in danger, threatens our national security, and undermines US efforts to work with other countries to solve
shared problems.” 
I believe this is the rationale to shut WikiLeaks down, and ultimiately bring Assange to his knees and bring him before the US courts.

The publication of confidential information isn't going to make the world a safer or more peaceful place, however it will certainly make it more transparent. If the leaks cease to emerge, society will never have a chance to get rid of dominances like endless political insincerity, lack of respect by politicians towards the citizens of any country, the real truth behind what the government is involved in and the real facts of what takes place, not just what they think the people need to hear. For instance the leaks that have come of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. An example of this is the secret video that WikiLeaks released showing journalists and civilians being killed in Baghdad.

WikiLeaks has provided citizens with an insight as to what truly goes on. People have a right to know what their leaders do as their representatives. But these leaders keep people in the dark so that they might remain unknowing about important issues that affect their understanding, their beliefs and their lives.

Bluffing seems to be the main way of moving forward, proving that the world to this day remains a major battleground. Wikileaks is certainly trying to put a halt to this bluffing and secrecy and their investigative form of journalism is proving to have a positive effect aiming to bring transparency and i believe that this is certainly a step in the right direction to make change.

60 Minutes interviews Julian Assange


1 comment:

Social Voice said...

Totally agree with you about wiki being a source for infomation the public needs, unfornatunaly you cannot rely of the government to provide all the facts. (which is a major issue)...also love the 60 minutes interview.

Anthony (5702917)